Friday, April 29, 2011

TechTalk Trivia: What 2 types of propulsion was Mariner 10 was the first spacecraft to use?

Mariner 10 (The Mariner 10 was a probe sent to...Image via WikipediaYet more damning evidence of my radio ineptitude courtesy of TechTalk on WRLR Chicago. This time around, I divulge what two types of spacecraft propulsion that Mariner 10 was the first spacecraft in history to use. If that sounds like your cup of tea, I promise the info survives my bludgeoning attempts at being entertaining.

More importantly, Mike Kastler explains how to use the Internet to up the efficiency and honesty of your charitable donations. Listen for that service, if nothing else. Skip over my trivia nonsense, if necessary.

Monday, April 25, 2011

TechTalk Trivia: What famous rock band wrote the theme to the original “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” radio plays?

42, The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Lif...Image via WikipediaMy streak of radio appearances which have yet to draw FCC fines somehow continues with yet another appearance on TechTalk in Chicago. This week, I reveal which Hall of Fame rock band lent their music to be the theme of the original “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” radio plays. I also pimp Backupify rather profusely, but that wasn't my idea.

You'll probably get more out of the iPad 2 vs. Blackberry Playbook discussion, since I wasn't a part of it. Give it a listen.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why regulation should be about transparency, not outcomes

Credit cardsImage via WikipediaTake cover, there be ranting ahead.

Government regulation gets a bad rap. This is understandable, as most government regulations are pretty stupid. As I've written previously, making rules is admitting failure. That said, government regulations don't have to be stupid. As a product of political wrangling, it may be unlikely that regulations ever won't be stupid, but it is possible to make regulations effective, efficient and -- above all -- minimally intrusive. In other words, not stupid. Here's how.

Make regulations about transparency, not outcome.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

TechTalk Trivia: What world-famous web site activated its domain name on Valentine’s Day 2005

...And Then Sometimes Valentine's Day Sucks!Image by Sister72 via FlickrAgainst all odds, I was once again allowed on broadcast radio -- and the podcast proof has finally surfaced from TechTalk on WRLR FM in Chicago. This time, I reveal what world-famous web site activated its domain name on Valentine’s Day 2005. DOn't worry, the mental damage is minimal and the rest of the broadcast redeems my babblings. Give it a listen.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Are comic books a legitimate media for science fiction?

Bad WorldImage via WikipediaThe title denotes the topic of the latest SF Signal podcast to be corrupted by my audible contributions.

The likes of myself, Jeff PattersonJessica StriderDerek Johnson and Patrick Hester combine into a virtual voice-only Voltron and wage war on the notion that there ain't no stinkin' sci-fi in your four-color funnybooks. Give a listen if that's of interest.

As always my litany of past SF Signal podcast misdeeds is available here.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Perfection - My first professional fiction sale

On my bio page, when discussing my futile efforts to launch a career as a science fiction author, I made the following threat:
If [such publication] ever happens, expect the first announcement to appear on JayGarmon.Net along with a copious overuse of exclamation points... first professional fictional sale is online !!!!!!1!!one!!!

I'm nothing if not a man of my word.

As to specifics, the story is titled "Perfection" as was purchased by the fine folks over at Redstone Science Fiction. They actually snagged the story a few months ago but I held off noting it here until the link went live in their April issue. (The irony of my first fiction sale meeting the world on April Fool's Day is not lost on me.)

As to the story itself, I'd like to think I wear my Charles Stross influences rather proudly. This is also a considerably shorter piece than I usually write, which no doubt contributed greatly to its publication. Nonetheless, I commend its content unto you, and welcome feedback -- positive or otherwise -- in the comment spaces of this post. I thank you in advance.
