I bring it up because: A recent Popular Mechanics article pointed out that there is virtually no scientific basis for the uncanny valley (hat tip to io9) despite the fact that science and science fiction have been casually invoking the term since the 1970s. While there is ample anecdotal evidence of the uncanny valley -- just ask anyone who has seen The Polar Express -- almost no formal research has ever been conducted into the incidence of, or mechanisms behind, the uncanny valley. That's a shame, as computer animation, particularly of the Avatar-esque 3D variety, is going to start pushing character designs right into the supposed uncanny valley. The Japanese also can't seem to stop themselves from building more and more (creepily) human-like robots, too. If mainstream media and consumer electronics are going to be heading that direction, it would be nice to know whether the public notion of the uncanny valley is mere conventional wisdom, or perhaps even erroneous pseudoscience. Somebody get the Skepchicks on this, stat!