- How The Defense Department And NSA Is Hyping Cyberwar To Better Spy On You
- With Their Carrier-Crippling SIM, Can Apple Do What Google Chickened Out Of?
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- Quantum computing for dummies
- Idiocy auto-hacks Twitter accounts on public Wi-Fi, warns the owners about Firesheep
- Yet Another Reminder That You Don't Own Your Ebooks: B&N Nook Deletes Files, Blames User
- Nordstrom's Employee Handbook — short and sweet
- Wikileaks and Anonymous
- Why Doc Brown is the real villain of Back To The Future
- BitDefender safego protects you from Facebook dangers
- Everything that's wrong with steampunk (especially if you take it seriously)
- IMAGES: Michelle Sciuto’s Victorian Batgirls
- City Paper Mocks Competitors For 'Policies' Over Stewart/Colbert Rallies
- Why Most Facebook Customization is Wasted Effort
- The True Cost Of Social Media
- How Trademark Law Has Turned From A Consumer Protection Law, Into A Weapon To Hinder Competition
- The 3 causes of polarized politics -- and how to fix 2 of them

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